Thanks for playing with our interactive led wall

We had a blast at Sign2Com 2021! More than 3.500 professional visitors from the signage, advertising, media and communication sector came by to get inspired by the newest possibilities for large format visual communication, interactive lighting and signage.

That’s exactly what we did! We inspired visitors by showing them how to enhance their brand experience with visual storytelling and interactive experiences.

Sign2Com Vivalyte stand with interactive lightbox

Dynamic LED Lightbox, interactive lighting and visual storytelling

Sign2Com Vivalyte dynamic lightbox led

Once more, our visitors were amazed by the versatility of our LED range and the opportunities the Vivalyte solutions have to offer. As prize-winning frontrunners in LED innovation we are always looking out for ways to “wow” your customers by bringing emotion to light.

Visitors stopped in their tracks to marvel at the large format dynamic lightbox at the center of our stand. As day and night, clear skies and thunderstorms succeeded each other in the background, we answered questions from visitors and showed how we can revitalize brand experience for reasonable budgets.

Large Format Interactive Lightbox

As always it was great to see people play with our large-format interactive screen. Sending dazzling fireworks into the sky, playing with glowing lava bubbles or changing colors with their hands brought back their youthful wonderment and enthusiasm.

Sign2Com Vivalyte stand interactive lightbox
Fausto Martin Sign2Com CE regulation LED signage

Fighting Light Pollution in Europe

But Vivalyte is more than just a seller of led solutions and beautiful light boxes. We always aim for safety, long product life and sustainability. That is why we brought Fausto Martin to Sign2Com 2021.

The Italian expert on signs and light fittings showed the suppliers from the advertising, signage, media and communications world how light pollution can be reduced. Quoting from extensive European research, he brought the conference room to an understanding around that ecological and budgetary issue. All light sent into the skies is wasted energy that can be put to better use.

After showing causes, consequences, and difficulties caused by fragmented European legislation, he proposed clear guidelines and answers to the new technical rules for the industry.

LED safety and sustainability

On the Vivalyte booth, Mr. Martin also gave some well-received workshops on the safety and sustainability side of building lightboxes. What are the technical requirements for CE marked light boxes and how can you best build a future-proof and safe to use LED lightbox.

As our visitors clearly appreciated Mr. Martins insights in these technical aspects, and his clear answers on common doubts about voltage, length of cables and connections, we plan to publish a short but clear book on the optimal construction of LED lightboxes. Keep an eye open for it in our communications, and give us a shout when you would like to receive this book.

Sign2Com Vivalyte stand interactive lighting led lightbox


Do you have any plans you’d like to brainstorm with us about?

Contact us, we’ll be happy to help.

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Some pictures of the Vivalyte stand:


Curious about the technical compatibility of our products with your vision?

You can find all technical data on our download page.

Data Sheets